Category: TTAB

A SUPER HERO-ic Trademark Takedown

“Enjoy your reign while you may, Superman. For surely as night follows day, there comes a time when even gods must die.”      – Lex Luthor, Superman: Doomsday Last month, the creators of beloved characters like “Superman” and “Spider-Man” declined to come to their continue reading...

The Ninth Circuit Addresses Judicial Power over Trademark Applications and the Lawful Use of Trademarks on Cannabis (I Mean, Tobacco) Products

The Ninth Circuit issued two opinions in BBK Tobacco & Foods LLP v. Central Coast Agriculture, Inc. finding judicial power over pending trademark applications and an exception shielding trademark registrations for marks used with cannabis products. BBK Tobacco & Foods LLC (“BBK”) markets a variety continue reading...

Taco Bell Scores a Win Over TACO TUESDAY™

When Taco Bell announced its intention to eliminate all exclusive trademark rights in the phrase TACO TUESDAY, it invoked the Declaration of Independence, claiming that any restriction on the right to use it “violates an American ideal: ‘the pursuit of happiness.’” Though the fast-food giant’s continue reading...